"The key to artificial intelligence has always been the representation.”
—Jeff Hawkins
The way most of us have combated the series of unestablished quotients about AI is jaw-dropping.
If you have heard about AI being the ultimate reason for the downfall of humanity, or its existence as only a work of fiction, or cause of mass unemployment, then we need to understand the clear distinction between truths and half-truths because these, don’t have definite answers.
We are here to debunk the most extensive myths in the AI world, let’s call it the AI Pandemic (only less intense).
Artificial intelligence or AI is a unique process of program designs combined with machine learning to develop a business process. It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs, related to the understanding, comprehending and simplifying the traits of human tasks.
It’s all about the new age development. With high rising buildings to deep-rooted thinking of common folks, who have, for years thought about the not so simple construction of learnings that settles in the smallest of chips and brightest of screens.
Now there are variable understandings of intelligence, artificial intelligence, however,
is somewhat confined to the mechanisms of the tasks involved.
Let’s go through the popular myths and get some major clarity over the whoppers we have collected over the years.
1. AI world domination
If you have ever wondered about the possibilities of RoboCop breaking into your home with weaponized military systems, then the motive of the movie succeeded in all degrees. Except that would be a far call from reality. Even though AI proves to be a vital part of most organisations, it definitely won’t terror and overpower fellow citizens from their homes.
2. Does AI aim to put the human mind into the computer?
Objectively, the human mind has a lot of peculiarities, a complex conglomerate of experiences that develop with time and is different for all of earth’s population. Even if the purpose of the task was specified, it’s nearly impossible to imitate the human mind in its entirety. However, the ultimate effort is to make computer programs that can solve problems and achieve goals in the world at human-level intelligence.
3. Is AI a very bad idea waiting to happen?
Artificial Intelligence is a futuristic technology developing with time to accommodate every task with speed and competency, which would otherwise take years to complete. With the purpose to engage in mundane works to highly skilled professions, AI eliminates human monotony and resolves to take over possibilities of hassle-free future.
4. Will AI be responsible for unemployment?
According to a study by Gartner, AI will be responsible for 1.8m job losses but it will parallelly create 2.3m more jobs by the year 2025. Even though the job prospect is high, it would be interesting to see how the climb of AI would cause job appropriation.
5. Magic or Artificial Intelligence? and where to find them?
As magical as today’s technology seems to be, we are glad that we do not ride on magically locomoted brooms to commute from one place to another. AI is a product of new-age technology and is ground-breaking with its relevance on all platforms and even though it’s relatively new, AI is already present in our regular lives, be it Siri, Cortana, Alexa or Google, AI has tapped into the common pool individual activities. From industrial settings to your android blocks, everything AI is now accessible to the general folks.

“I imagine a world in which AI is going to make us work more productively, live longer, and have cleaner energy.”
– Fei-Fei Li, Computer Science Professor at Stanford
We live in a complex world and the future promises to be increasingly more complex. In this time of crucial understanding, it would be a boon to have simple solutions to our never-ending unwavering human problems. And maybe, just maybe, Artificial Intelligence is the proactive juncture of all our queries.
Written by Portia Ekka